Tuesday, June 29

roll with the gods

Nick at ATimeToGet posted about this odd/cool skateboarding movie Macho Taildrop forever ago and I figured since it had been at the Toronto Film Festival and was produced by FuelTV it would soon be all over the place and old news... but the filmmakers seem to be doing it 1993/94 style and taking it around filmhouses themselves, awesome. Have not seen had a chance to catch it myself yet, but abstraction and suspension of belief seem key. Comments like "if you enjoy watching The Prisoner" or "if a skate movie done by Terry Gilliam" are rife. Or just stick with "trippy". MTD recently had it's UK premiere (June 3rd) check their facespace for more dates.

The re-blog-worthy part is that photog Benji Wagner tipped me off to MTD's co-directors' previous effort, Harvey Spannos (2006)... I had not heard of it, and maybe if you aren't a huge film festival/skateboarder/Canadian you may have missed it too... a mellower story (though still some bite) of a skateboarder's son looking for direction.